



# new ImmersHUD()

Web Component heads-up display for Immers profile login. Unobtrusively connects your Immersive Web experience to Immers Space, allowing immersers to connect with their profiles from your site and share your site with their friends. Grants access to profile information so you can bring users' preferred identity into your experience.

The HTML attributes are listed in the Properties table below. Properties you can access from the element object directly are listed under Members.

The following CSS properties can be set on the immers-hud:

color: text color for floating text

--main-margin: distance from edge of window in overlay mode

--inner-margin: gap between elements

--handle-input-width: size of the handle input

Name Type Attributes Description
position 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right' <optional>

Enable overlay positioning.

token-catcher string <optional>

OAuth redirect URL, a page on your domain that runs catchToken on load (default: current url)

access-role string <optional>

Requested authorization scope from roles. Users are given the option to alter this and grant a different level. (default: modAdditive)

destination-name string <optional>

Title for your experience (default: meta[og:description], document.title)

destination-url string <optional>

Sharable URL for your experience (default: current url)

destination-description string <optional>

Social share preview test (default meta[og:description], meta[twitter:description])

destination-image string <optional>

Image url for social share previews (default: meta[og:image], meta[twitter:image])

local-immer string <optional>

Origin of your local Immers Server, if you have one

allow-storage boolean <optional>

Enable local storage of user identity to reconnect when returning to page

open 'true' | 'false'

Toggles between icon and full HUD view (default: true is user's handle is saved but login is needed, false otherwise)

View Source ImmersHUD/ImmersHUD.js, line 6

  • immers-hud-connected - On successful login, detail.event:profile will include users Profile

Load & register the custom element via import (option 1)

import { ImmersHUD } from 'immers-client';

Load & register the custom element via CDN (option 2)

<script type="module" src=""></script>

Using the custom element in HTML

<immers-hud position="bottom-left" access-role="friends"
            destination-name="My Immer" destination-url=""



# friends

Live-updated friends list with current status

View Source ImmersHUD/ImmersHUD.js, line 59


# immersClient

Immers client instance

View Source ImmersHUD/ImmersHUD.js, line 64